1.) "The Project Piece" Bring over your favorite music, a bottle of wine and help your friend tackle that "Project" they have been wanting to do! Dedicate a full 8 hours of time if you can to make sure you can help them from start to finish!
2.) "The Garage Gladiator" - So many of us have garages full of boxes we just don't have time to get thru and most of it is stuff we can get rid of! This year offer to give your friends a day to help do just that. Bring boxes you can pick up free from the liquor store for sorting and then finish by driving the items they are getting rid of to the local donation center!
3.) "A Day in your Shoes" Do you have a friend that is the opposite of you? They do things you just don't understand? Well, offer to walk a day in their shoes with them and try something new. Maybe it's fishing, hiking, painting, but make it something that they have everything you need but it is just missing you. One of the coolest things we can do is show an interest in peoples lives that they hold dear to them and ask to share with them.
4.)"The Charity Cheerleader" If there is one thing that people can never get enough help with it is charity work, so tell your friend that you will go with them to their next charity event they are helping at and work it with them! You may see a new side to them and I know it will make the event even better all the way around!
5.) "Eat & be Merry" Everyone eats dinner, so why not set up with a close family preparing, eating and cleaning up dinner together! The food can be simple and it is money you are spending anyway, the only addition cost would be some fuel money! Make the ordinary extraordinary!
Have a Socially Savvy week everyone and make every event Better because you were there!
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