Thursday, May 1, 2014

Savvy Self thru Communication

     With All of today's technology at our fingertips, even many of the poor are in contestant contact with friends, relatives, people of interest and information.  Computers, workplaces and smart phones keep us tightly connected to those around us on as little as a second by second basis if we choose….So why are we not happier? 
     I believe it is because we choose not to communicate with ourselves.  It is easier to relate to others, judge others and live thru others than it is to take introspect  and stock into our selves, and so at the end of each day, we have failed to gain any real ground in our physical, emotional and spiritual journey.  How do you change this?  How do you find your way back to yourself?
     Step out of your office, leave your computer and your smart phone behind.  Take a walk, a yoga class, sit silently facing the sun and breath and think…..Communicate with yourself and yourself alone.  Give yourself 15 min to an hour a day at least.  Be present for yourself.  Do not fear the mistakes you have made…. face them and learn.  Do not worry for what the future will bring…..plan for what you want YOUR future to bring.  If you have wronged people, think on how to right it and bring peace to your mind and soul.  No one is a lost cause as long as they chose to find themselves.       
     You deserve to communicate with yourself.  You deserve that Time.
Have a Socially Savvy Week and "Make EVERY Event  BETTER Because You Were There!"

Monday, April 14, 2014

Socially Savvy 7 Day Challenge ~ Making A Positive Dent

 We wake up each day with a boat load of things to get done, people to see, relationships to start, build and even end, running half crazy most of the time.  And it seems that only when strong emotions are triggered do we stop to take notice and usually those strong emotions are negative.  Someone has irritated us, mistreated us or through their lack of awareness let us slip thru the cracks.  This poses a problem if we are to create a more positive culture.
            Think about this for a moment.  All the businesses…. restaurants, lounges, department stores, repair shops,  construction companies, postal services………. All the business associates, mechanics, grocery clerks, sales associates, wait staff, garbage men and customer service people that make our lives easier and nicer on a day to day or visit to visit basis.  How often do you let them know you appreciate what they do?  Do you just expect it to be fab every time? 
            We all need that positive reinforcement that what we are doing is making a difference in someone’s lives so someone needs to be the catalyst for this……will it be you?  Take time over the next 7 days to look the people in the eye that serve you and say “thank you”.  Follow up with a Review on Google or Yelp, a customer service letter or comments to their manager.  If you received a swag bag at an event,  goto the event Host's page and thank them!  Hyperlink your favorite swag sponsor's and thank them too!  Best is to commit it to digital or physical writting's  so they can see it over and over again, to remind them that what they do makes a difference, and so that others may know what their strength are as well. 
            1 week to focus on the positive…… I wonder what will become of it…….

Thursday, March 6, 2014

It’s Not to expensive.....It’s you....

    Now I know just how harsh the title to this blog is, but let’s be real folks..It’s true.  When you are checking out an event that YOU think is interesting and want to go to, and you then check out the cost of the tickets and say “ It’s to expensive”, that is a YOU thing.  It is YOUR choice how you chose to spend your money.  So if you find yourself feeling an event is “not worth it” think about the cost of what they are trying to present to you.
     It takes ALOT of money to put on a big, beautiful, quality event when it is done right so Consider the following....
    1.) Location ~ to have a large party you need space, and large locations are not “readliy available” and take alot to maintain, so of course there is a cost involved and it is usually pretty substantial
    2.) Food ~ we all like food at events, but it does not just “magically” appear out of no where.  It has to be bought, prepared, served and cleaned up afterwards...all that equals “Cost”
    3.) Entertainment ~ who wants to go to an event where the music or entertainment does not complement the mood of the night?  Where it starts and stops in a way that is like someone trying to drive a stick shift for the first time, jarring you through out the evening.  Good Dj’s, bands and entertainers understand things like “the flow of the Party”, adjusting volume levels to keep crowd happy and involved and perfecting their craft so it is enticing and entertaining.
    4.) The mood & theme of the party...this is where things like your “Attire” plays in and the type of people and attitudes come into play.  If you can not afford the ticket price, you probably can’t afford the proper attire that will maintain the mood and feel of the event, and you would be a detraction instead of a welcome addition to the event.
    Now....the last an most important issue to understand, is just how much of a choice it is of yours..... Do you get your coffee drink once or twice a day?  Do you smoke?  The fact is, we ALL make choices and almost all of us have limited resources, so we need to understand that each one of those choices TO do something, results in a undetermined choice that you CAN’T do something else!  Recognize it and stop making it someone else's issue.

    While we are all entitled to the right to “pursue” happiness, we are not guaranteed to the result of Happiness.....that is up to you and your choices.  Recognize it and learn to live not ONLY in the moment, but for the future you WANT as well!

Have a Socially Savvy Week!  And make EVERY event Better because you were there!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Who are you Today?

    So often in life we getting going on a path of where we think we want to be.  We make alliances, decisions and judgments based on where it is we want to be, and more often than not, we forget to ask "Who am I today?".  Why is that relevant you ask?  Well let me explain…
    I was doing an interview with one of my favorite people, Amy Yamada last month and she spoke of being your authentic self.  She has spoken on that for quite awhile now, and during the interview I got to thinking…."what does my authentic self look like?  What does that mean to me? What does my authentic self feel".  So I stopped, looked in the mirror and asked "Who am I today?"
In asking that question, I find that answering it ,answered all the other questions and helped me define my Authentic self. 
    So, Who am I Today?  I am Happy, Young at heart, excited for life, persistent, determined and connected. 
    How does this help us?  When we ask and answer the question, we know what tools we have at our disposal, ready to pursue the day, our dreams and our goals.  Once you know what your working with you can then answer some new questions:
    Do the tools I possess help me in getting where I want to go?  If not, what tools would?  Or if not, what road would those tools i already possess help me on?
    You see, Life is a journey, and Happiness is found along the ENTIRE journey, so you hold the key to enjoying the journey as much as possible by making conscious decisions and not just following a road that you "believe" will lead you where you want to go.
    So I ask you….."Who are YOU Today?"