Monday, November 18, 2013

5 Fantastically Socially Savvy Gift's of Time

     These day's people are just tired of getting a bunch of "stuff" they don't need, not to mention we don't have the extra money to spend, so here are some fab gifts you can write up and package pretty to give away that will mean SOOO much more that that pair of slippers or a scarf!  

     1.) "The Project Piece" Bring over your favorite music, a bottle of wine and help your friend tackle that "Project" they have been wanting to do!  Dedicate a full 8 hours of time if you can to make sure you can help them from start to finish!

     2.) "The Garage Gladiator" - So many of us have garages full of boxes we just don't have time to get thru and most of it is stuff we can get rid of!  This year offer to give your friends a day to help do just that.  Bring boxes you can pick up free from the liquor store for sorting and then finish by driving the items they are getting rid of to the local donation center!

     3.) "A Day in your Shoes" Do you have a friend that is the opposite of you?  They do things you just don't understand?  Well, offer to walk a day in their shoes with them and try something new.  Maybe it's fishing, hiking, painting, but make it something that they have everything you need  but it is just missing you.  One of the coolest things we can do is show an interest in peoples lives that they hold dear to them and ask to share with them.

     4.)"The Charity Cheerleader" If there is one thing that people can never get enough help with it is charity work, so tell your friend that you will go with them to their next charity event they are helping at and work it with them!  You may see a new side to them and I know it will make the event even better all the way around!

     5.) "Eat & be Merry" Everyone eats dinner, so why not set up with a close family preparing, eating and cleaning up dinner together!  The food can be simple and it is money you are spending anyway, the only addition cost would be some fuel money!  Make the ordinary extraordinary!
Have a Socially Savvy week everyone and make every event Better because you were there!
Take a listen to our show at

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Why FEAR is Socially Savvy

    It has been very interesting over the last few months to see the word Fear put out there and how it is used.  Most people are threatened and paralyzed by fears but there are those few that step back, detach from the emotion fear brings and find success.  So how do you do that?  Well here is my perspective on doing just that.
    Fear is the illusion of everything that could go wrong but doesn't need to.  It gives us a hyper link into what to avoid.  It is not set in stone, nor does it hold any control over us.  One of the most amazing definitions of fear i have ever heard came from the Movie After Earth ~
“Fear is not real. The only place that fear can exist is in our thoughts of the future. It is a product of our imagination, causing us to fear things that do not at present and may not ever exist. That is near insanity. Do not misunderstand me danger is very real but fear is a choice.”  Will Smith
    So with that said, how do we use Fear as a Hyper link to a successful future? We look at Fear as a warning sign if you will.  When you see a sign ahead that says "danger, no shoulder" do we drive off the road or simply pay a bit more attention?  When we see a fire engine and smoke, do we douse ourselves with water or look around to make sure the fire can't spread?  Now onto a more personal perspectives….. When you see a handsome guy or beautiful girl across the room do you hang your head and tell yourself they are out of your class or do you put your best smile on and go for it?  I got you there didn't I!  So what is they key?  Why is it the more personal of an impact something has we hold tighter to the fear instead of celebrating the possibility of success?  Because we have learned to Fear NO, above all.  We are afraid of rejection instead of learning from it and becoming stronger.  It boils down to this…..EVERYTHING we do is a choice and EVERYTHING we do has the possibility of success and failure.  Letting Fear TELL you you will fail instead of using fear to know what to avoid is the key in my eyes.  Analyze, decide and act.  Let life do the rest.  What are a few mistakes to a Life full of fears unrealized because you didn't let it stop you.
Have A Socially Savvy week! 
Take a listen to our show at

Do you know what your asking for?

    I can't tell you how many times i hear people asking for things with no thought of why they should be entitled to ask let alone expect to receive it.  So the question came about in my mind, "Do people know what they are asking for?  Do they know what it is costing the people they are asking?"
Here is a fine example
    It's time for homecoming.  All the girls want to look their best.  They want to feel special.  Most don't now what they are doing, so what do they do?  They call their local cosmetic departments and want to book make up applications with them.  And most expect to get it for free.  I mean that's what they are there for right?  To do make up applications, so why not do one on you?  WRONG!  Let's define these peoples job.  These are sales people.  By definition, that means they are educated to sell.  That means their pay, their livelihood is connected to how much they can sell, which means they are connected to a goal, and if they can't meet that goal they lose their job.  So, back to the make-up thing.  They are educated and trained to apply make up to……listen carefully….HELP YOU CHOSE THE MAKEUP YOU NEED TO BUY!  Now it is in very poor form to actually call up to make an appointment and WHINE about having to purchase a minimum amount!  Especially when the min amount they are asking for actually puts them well below what they are expected to sell an hour.  Let me further explain:
    If an average sales persons goal is $200 to sell per hour and they book a makeup appointment every half an hour and you only intend on purchasing the min $50 they are asking then they are $100 per hour behind their goal each hour.  And why do you care you ask?  BECAUSE if you keep abusing the system they won't be there to help you or do your makeup when you PLAN to purchase properly!!!!  All the GOOD ones will quit and goto an industry where people can't get their time for free! 
    How about we do this.  You work in an office?  How about you work for free for an hour or two a day.  I mean really.  We all have families, all have dreams and goals and all of those things are tied to being able to afford them.  So seriously THINK about what you are asking for and go ahead and practice what you preach….If you expect to get paid for your time, then pay others for theirs.  STOP THE ENTITLED ATTITUDE.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Savvy Conversation.....What is attractive

Savvy Conversation

    Is your conversation attractive or unattractive

     I spent the last several weeks watching how people converse with each other and found that there are definitely conversation's that are unattractive…. whether it be a spouse, romantic interest, best friend or co-worker, with the wrong conversation you can send people running for the hills!  Here are some sure fire repellants!

Criticizing people.  It comes as no surprise that this is a turn off.  The actual speaking of the worlds that are critical contorts your face into unattractive looks!

Debasing yourself.  Self pity and self loathing don't bring people in, they repeal at the speed of sound.  You will find you are useful to no one if you can't find any worth in your self

Whining or complaining.  What can one say about this that the words them selves don't explain? 

Speaking on what you "should" have gotten.  This tells people you are of the "entitled" generation and focus on the past instead of moving into the future.  The past is gone…..try to let go.

Talking about what you "don't" have.  EVERYBODY has things they don't have, so why think that what YOU don't have is of any interest to anyone?

Talking about what other's have that they don't deserve.  The levels of unattractive this brings out are off the charts!  If you have not walked in someone's shoes you cannot even begin to judge whether they deserve something or not.  And even if you could and even if they don't deserve it, it changes nothing.

If you are ever wanting to go face to face with your demon's, stand in front of a mirror and voice to yourself anyone of these above topics and see how your face contorts and reflects.  Then speak to yourself in the mirror of beauty, empowerment, love, and friendship and see how the face changes and reflects…..

What is attractive?  You Decide, but here are some places to start….

Talk of Future Hopes and Dream
Talk of Friendship
Talk of Love
Talk of Empowerment & Encouragement
Talk of Art
Talk of the Beautiful things in Life

After all, there is garbage and waste everywhere, but we usually tend to put it IN the garbage can, not take it out and display it….

Have a Socially Savvy Week and Make every Event Better Because you were There! Take a listen to our show at

Friday, September 6, 2013

Socially Savvy - A Positive twist & a 7 day Challenge 2014 edition

 We wake up each day with a boat load of things to get done, people to see, relationships to start, build and even end, running half crazy most of the time.  And it seems that only when strong emotions are triggered do we stop to take notice and usually those strong emotions are negative.  Someone has irritated us, mistreated us or through their lack of awareness let us slip thru the cracks.  This poses a problem if we are to create a more positive culture.
            Think about this for a moment.  All the businesses…. restaurants, lounges, department stores, repair shops,  construction companies, postal services………. All the business associates, mechanics, grocery clerks, sales associates, wait staff, garbage men and customer service people that make our lives easier and nicer on a day to day or visit to visit basis.  How often do you let them know you appreciate what they do?  Do you just expect it to be fab everytime? 
            We all need that positive reinforcement that what we are doing is making a difference in someone’s lives so someone needs to be the catalyst for this……will it be you?  Take time over the next 7 days to look the people in the eye that serve you and say “thank you”.  Follow up with a Review on google or Yelp, a customer service letter or comments to their manager.  If you received a swag bag at an event,  goto the event Host's page and thank them!  Hyperlink your favorite swag sponsor's and thank them too!  Best is to commit it to paper so they can see it over and over again, to remind them that what they do makes a difference, and so that other’s may know what their strength are as well. 
            1 week to focus on the positive…… I wonder what will become of it…….

Monday, May 6, 2013

Socially Savvy Fab 5 to Follow

Launching our "Socially Savvy Fab 5 to Follow".  Each week we will introduce people we think are fab enough for all our friends to follow and gain something new from!  Feel free to create your own Fab 5 to Follow on your pages and share some of the most amazing people you know!  Do it once a month or once a week!  Have a Socially Savvy Week and make Every event better  and every relationship stronger because you were a part of it!"

Week 1
"Socially Savvy Fab 5 to Follow"

Brook Fox ~ 92.5 morning radio host and growing bigger, this fab lady does her part to make people laugh and encourage people to support great causes around the city!  Follow her on FB @ and week day mornings on 92.5 FM

Duell Fisher ~ Man around town tirelessly working to cover all the best charity event's in the city!  Well dressed and well connected, this Gentleman has worked to create everything he has!  Follow him on FB @ and @ to see event's he has covered and what's coming up!

Dick Stephens ~ Low key Family man and business powerhouse this guy uses his company Varsity Communications to put together some of the Best event's out there including Golf & wine event's of epic proportions!  Follow him @ and

Kristian Kimbro Rickard ~ Watching this go getter never stop until she got her new company off the ground @, she is delightful and uplifting!  You can find her at

Stacy Lill ~ O Wines Founder, DeLille Cellars Ambassador, & Community Activist this Amazing woman never stops!  Sharing experiences, event's and uplifting those around her she is a must to follow and support!  You can find her @ and

Week 2

Amy Yamada ~ A Fantastic uplifting and encouraging woman, this lady is hard working and well connected! Valuing other's as she does herself she is where i start this week!

  Cristal Carrington ~ a Fab connection that was made across the US due to the magic of FB. She writes a column for the examiner as a Cocktail Columnist, has her own branding & pr company and A Author who has shared fun insight to The Socialite’s Guide To on ebooks. Check her out!

 Sasha O'Leary ~ Young energetic Socialite of the area, she is seen supporting many great causes and events Including one of Seattle's oldest awards - The first Citizens Award, this year going to Lenny Wilkens

Gunnar Nordstrom ~ He has formed the epicenter of Social on the Eastside with his fantastic Gallery and Heartfelt connections with most everyone! Hosting some of the areas most famous peeps art and acquiring the means to show exclusively Fab items like Dr. Seuss it is no wonder why he is a must to follow and go visit!  

 Michael Spain ~ Super nice regular guy gone super inspirational! With his daily postings of positive he was soon to create an entire page to encapsulate everything!, is def one to follow!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

5 Top reasons why People & Companies won't donate to your cause

With so many great causes out there and so many people working them, sometimes it's hard to take a No.  Here are some reasons for those No's.
     ~1.) It is not a proper demographic or social alignment - You have to remember that every company has to be aware of who and what they align themselves with - each business has a demography that they cater to to keep in business, if they feel it's not a match you need to respect and support that.

     ~2.) They are asked weekly for donations - there is only so much people can give.  Not everyone can give to every cause.

     ~3.) Regular or demo product - people try to return these products for full cash refunds.  It is an abuse of the donation, and unfortunately you as an organization can not keep this from happening as you can not control who buys these items. 

     ~4.) People complain about what they buy - To many people do not realize that when you complain about a donation that you purchase in an auction or at an event, the company will look at that as a negative reflection on them, and rather than deal with it they will just not donate.

     ~5.) Proper credit and support from the organization in exchange for the donation.  It is very important to remember that in order to support as many programs as possible, these businesses take a portion of their advertising dollars and redirect to fundraisers.  You need to be able to show How it could benefit them better than a yellow pages add.

     It's sad to say that in this day and age a lot can go wrong when you try to support local causes and do something good.  Be understanding when someone says no, and to increase your chance of a yes have all your info ready to show and share how it could benefit them.

     Word to the wise.....Make sure your approach is polite, straight forward and appealing.  All this passive agressive "tagging", "sharing" on someone else's page with out permission and spamming just causes people to NOT wan to support a cause they might have considered.
     Have a Socially Savvy Week! 

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Socially Savvy Themed Events

    Like so many other Social aspects of our culture, i find myself amazed that the finer points of attending and planning events are not looked upon in more of a common sense way.  But since they are not, it gives me something to write about, so here we go.

    Over the course of a year there are many different kinds of themed events that come up, so when you see these events, please consider the following:

For those attending:
    When someone puts together a themed event, and by that i mean they fashion it after something specific like a "all white" party, "masked ball" or "80's night" it should be noted that as attendee's you become PART of the event.  What does that mean?  it means that that is part of the allure of the event.  Bringing everyone together to participate in the spirit of the event.  Therefore, it is not only unseemingly but down right rude to not follow the theme or spirit of the event!  When someone says it is an all white party, they don't mean wear a white shirt with jeans….they mean wear all white.  And arguing with the host's of the party because you didn't "know" ( because you didn't read the entire invite) or didn't want to comply makes you an ass.  You should never be surprised when you are told you will not be allowed to enter or asked to go change when you do this.  That is your bad, not theirs.
    If you have questions, message, call or carrier pigeon to find out the answer!  Asking for clarity is not an issue. 
    What you have to understand is that the event host has created a vision of what they want the experience to be for EVERYONE, so either choose to be a part of it or stay home!

For those throwing:
    BE CLEAR about what your expectations are.  Give examples of what is acceptable if you feel there is room for confusion.  Lay out guidelines for people to follow as well as being very clear what you will not accept at your event.  It is YOUR event so you can control the vision of what you want by laying it all out! 
    Don't be afraid to stick to your guns.  If you want people to respect what you are trying to do you need to stand firm on what you want.  If you can, try to provide a back up for them if they have misunderstood - i.e. a masked ball might have a mask vender set up with masks to sell so people can purchase one to get in if the forgot.
    Show examples of proper attire and give them options of where they might find it.

So here is the bottom line, Themed events are special…Don't make your self more important that the event and cause an issue by not being a part of the event.  Play nice or get out of the sandbox!  ;)

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

What it takes.....

     I can't tell you how often people ask me, "how do you do everything you do". 
For me, it's just a matter of doing, but i realized that for many others, it's what steps you take to get to the place where you can just do it.  So here is my take on "what it takes"

     First~  you gotta want something BAD!!!!  I mean, REALLY BAD!  You gotta want something bad enough that you wake up in the middle of the night with idea's on how to get to what you want, make what you want or make happen what you want. 
Things like sleeping and eating become a last thought when you are working towards what you want……It's not that you don't get tired or hungry….It's that your mind and body is so focused on moving towards what you want that you can not tear yourself away for long enough to eat or sleep until your body flat say's NOW!!!
You have to be dreaming about it, thinking about it, planning it and living what ever part of it you can every single day.  Phrases like "fake it till you make it" don't really apply because you are living it even if no one else around you understands it!!!

     Second ~ you gotta be willing to do things you have never done before.  This is such an under rated over look facet of moving forward it is absurd!  You are today where you are because of what you have done….If you want to be somewhere else, you HAVE to stretch, expose yourself and do things you have never done to get where you have never been!!!!  It sounds so simple, but try wrapping your head around this……. you just have to try and test the waters!  The fact of the matter is that you will probably fall flat on your face……over and over and over again….get no, after no, after no, after "well maybe if you do this" and have to keep trying.  because in the end….the only failure is giving up.

     And third……It can't just be about you…. you have to lift people up around you.  support others around you and strive to make a difference to those around you.  Everyone successful person will tell you they had a support system, and that support system was NOT handed to them.

     So to summarize….Be willing to fight for what you want….believe in yourself even when you doubt yourself…… and never stop getting up when you fall.  That is where you will find your success…… and that is where you will find out what you are made of! 

Make a difference and make a change!